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Dear local residents and leaseholders be advised there is free parking for anyone at Osborne road garages Mallard close. Since the barrier gate has been broken by a leaseholder accidentally using the wrong key. now the barrier gate is open 24/7 which this means unauthorised vehicles can park for free. Hackney council parking department say they do not own it and it is not controlled therefore it's a free-for-all parking.Parking in this section of Trowbridge Estate, known as Mallard Close, Osborne road garages is not controlled by Hackney Council. As such the signage Z55 was removed by the Parking Department. if Hackney council garage team Randall Kerry are going to take this action making it free parking therefore they should get the barrier gate on Osborne road fixed.If you feel this car park should be controlled parking, please talk to your housing manager Simon Priscilla,Denise Corbin both are quite incompetent workers would not trust them.Residents and leaseholders do not talk to your local Trowbridge resident association group member Eugene Egan who abuses his position as a TRA elected member. who abuses his power as a member. who displays a dominant, aggressive, behavior over Osborne road garages like it's his land.Job description for nuisance neighbor Eugene Egan 21 Mallard close treating Osborne road garages like the city of London Barbican council Bringing his job role home and imprinting the Barbican estate council rules on Hackney council grounds and targeting residence, making force complaints,allegations to hackney council. City of London Barbican estate rules and conditions listed below. The BEO will provide residents with controlled access to, and safety and security within, residents’ car-parking areas on a 24-hour, 365-days per year basis. Uniformed Car Park Attendants/Estate Concierge will maintain security through preventing unauthorised access by pedestrians or vehicles patrolling garage areas maintaining an up-to-date incident log monitoring common areas via CCTV (where installed) controlling access and keys to secure areas Car Park Attendants/Estate Concierge will also be responsible for ensuring the correct parking of vehicles within the car park areas and the allocation and supervision of temporary parking supervising the proper use of wash-bay equipment reporting any defects within the car park areas, including lighting, to the Repairs Call Centre for repair ensuring the car park offices are clean and tidy Car Park Attendants/Estate Concierge for the terrace blocks will provide concierge services from a car park office close to the residents, typically underneath the residential block This service will include: recording & reporting complaints and requests from residents monitoring the progress of any repairs reported reporting any incidents of criminal activity from residents, including breaches of security assisting visitors and residents with guest parking and directions receiving and holding residents’ parcels and messages for collection at the Attendants’ work station and reporting emergency incidents or accidents, including people trapped in lifts, to the duty manager for immediate action Lobby porter services This is the provision of a lobby-based security and concierge service for residents of the three tower blocks. This service will provide residents with a secure environment and assistance consistent with a concierge service all day every day. They will maintain security and proper use of common parts by preventing unauthorised access maintaining an up to date incident log monitoring of alarm and CCTV systems managing usage of forecourt areas controlling access to secure areas Lobby Porters will also provide a means of communication between residents and the BEO by recording and reporting complaints and requests from residents reporting any incidents of criminal activity, from residents reporting any defects within public areas, including lighting, to the Repairs Call Centre for repair monitoring the progress of any repairs reported Lobby Porters will provide concierge services and also be responsible for ensuring that Lobby areas are kept clean and tidy reporting litter immediately outside of the towers to the podium cleaners receiving and holding residents’ parcels and messages for collection at their work station assisting visitors and residents with guest parking and directions and reporting emergency incidents or accidents, including people trapped in lifts, to their duty manager for immediate action the facilitation of the postal and parcel delivery controlling the use of the lifts by the postman, removal contractors and building contractors, including the use of protective curtains Out of Hours emergency service This service is available between Monday to Thursday 5pm to 9.15am and 5pm Friday to 9.15am Monday The duty on-site Engineer will be responsible for providing the out-of-hours Estate Management function including attendance at emergency incidents, including lift trappings, and dealing with incidents of nuisance. (On-site staff will be available on a shift basis, 24-hours a day, 365 days per year). These can be contacted via your local Car Park Attendants / Estate Concierge. Performance against appropriate and agreed targets will be monitored and reported to residents through the RCC and BRC at the scheduled meetings. Accurate records of call-outs, and health & safety certification will be maintained by PS on behalf of the BEO.

Reported via mobile anonymously at 12:49, Tuesday 7 January 2025

Sent to Hackney Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6944882.

Osborne road barrier gate need fixing parking control is free for all. Hackney council do nothing. leaseholders and residents are paying their rent. Hackney council trying to wash their hands of responsibility as usual. Lazy incompetent staff.

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    Updated by Hackney Council at 15:24, Thursday 9 January 2025

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