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Dear Randall Kerry could you please make Simon Priscilla and the aerial managers aware of the breakings of garage numbers 19,16,13 last year 2023 antisocial behaviour and unlawful trespassing, rent free for years corruption/backhanders TRA members in the Osborne road garages 1 to 23 which was reported to Randall Kerry on multiple occasions. Aerial manager Simon Priscilla has not been informed about this if you could bring it to his attention and the residence and local Trowbridge resident association member involved and the warning letters you sent to their home addresses seen as you all work together you should be talking to one another. Also breakings were reported to the police if you could make Simon Priscilla aware. Instead of targeting good outstanding citizens.

Reported via mobile anonymously at 23:36, Thursday 3 October 2024

Sent to Hackney Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6549760.

Dear Randall Kerry could you please make Simon Priscilla and the aerial managers aware of the breakings of garage numbers 19,16,13 last year 2023 antisocial behaviour and unlawful trespassing, rent free for years corruption/backhanders TRA members.

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