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Dear Simon Priscilla and Ariel managers could you please address this anti-social IE put cameras up or do your duty.Beanacre Cl, London E9 5JY residence living in the bungalow are storing on the front porch of their property , 275 liters of red diesel 25 litre jerry cans/diesel illegally stolen,criminal activity.also posing a fire risk to other residents bungalows attached onto the properties in and around the Trowbridge estate. Fire safety risk to residents and leaseholders Hackney canceled take action do your duty this sounds like corruption.

Reported via mobile anonymously at 23:03, Thursday 3 October 2024

Sent to Hackney Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6549728.

Moderated by Hackney Council at 08:28, Friday 4 October 2024

Dear Simon Priscilla and Ariel managers could you please address this anti-social IE put cameras up or do your duty., London E9 5JY Flammable diesel liquid on the front porch. Fire safety risk.

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