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Osborn Rd, London E9 5JL. Antisocial behaviour taking place at this property late at night black male drug dealers in blue Audi dropping off drugs to residents and supplying the neighborhood.

Reported via PWA anonymously at 22:59, Tuesday

Sent to Hackney Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6540392.

Moderated by Hackney Council at 11:55, Thursday

Osborne Rd, London E9 5JL. Young black male in a blue Audi A3 driving dangerous dropping off drugs to the property to a white female at 22:51pm on a daily basis antisocial behavior and noise nuisance. Strong smell of cannabis coming from garden.

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  • This issue has been logged with our Anti-Social Behaviour Department under reference PR202410-23013 for investigation

    Posted by Hackney Council at 11:59, Thursday

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