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Unacceptable lime bike parking in front of leaving room windows

Reported via desktop anonymously at 12:00, Friday 2 August 2024

Sent to Hackney Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6307566.

Lime Bike parking point directly in front of our living room windows at N13JF. It's unacceptable We have people staring in our houses every night. Why not have put it across the road? You can see in the pictures there is a plain wall. We feel insecure!

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  • Thank you for bringing your concerns to our attention regarding the cycle hire bay located outside your living room window. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience or disturbance this may have caused.

    We understand that users trying to rent the bikes may stare into your property which can be disruptive to your comfort and peace of mind. Please be assured that we take such feedback seriously and are committed to finding a solution.

    We are currently reviewing the placement of the cycle hire bay and exploring options to mitigate this issue, such as relocating the bay. We will also ask Lime to remind users of the importance of being considerate of nearby residents, particularly during quiet hours.

    In the meantime, if you continue to experience issues, please do not hesitate to contact us. Your input is valuable as we work to improve the situation.

    Thank you for your understanding and patience as we address this matter.

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted by Hackney Council at 17:29, Monday 19 August 2024

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