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Communal bin is not regularly emptied.

Reported via mobile in the Overflowing bin category by Ethel Cass at 20:46, Thursday 30 May 2024

Sent to Hackney Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6041393.

There is an issue with rodents in the area. I write emails to Waste Operations but the problem continues happening where the bin isn't emptied for more than 2: weeks.

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  • There is a constant issue with the collection of rubbish from the communal bins at 208, 210 and 212 Green Lanes, N4 2HA. This started when the collection days were changed in November/December 2023 and the service re-organised. I've complained to Waste Management off and on since December 2023 and back in May 2024 received a call from a manager, who assured me the issue would be resolved. It hasn't been resolved. The collection day for both the recycling and rubbish is supposed to be every Tuesday. The recycling is collected; however, the rubbish is NEVER collected on a Tuesday. Sometimes it's picked up on a Thursday, sometimes over the weekend and sometimes not at all. Currently we haven't had a collection since before 26th September. I emailed Waste Management on 2nd October and again today but haven't received a reply.

    Posted by Ethel Cass at 15:59, Monday 7 October 2024

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