Mildenhall road has not been sweeped for the past 1 month
Reported via mobile in the Littering category anonymously at 16:17, Sat 2 December 2023
Sent to Hackney Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5275507.
The weather is really cold hence the leaves on the pavement have gone icy which is a risk to all members of the public. Can you please ensure that the roads are being sweeped at a regular interval.
Thank you for your report related to Littering & Cleanliness. We aim to resolve reports like this within 24 hours.
Thank you
Hackney Council
Posted by Hackney Council at 16:17, Sat 2 December 2023
Thank you for your report related to Littering & Cleanliness.
This issue is now resolved
Thank you
Hackney Council
State changed to: Fixed
Posted by Hackney Council at 11:59, Wed 6 December 2023
This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.