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Car park lock is broken regularly leading to illegal parking

Reported via desktop in the Illegal Parking category by Julie Robinson at 20:51, Sat 4 November 2023

Sent to Hackney Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5174887.

The gate to Wayman Court car park is regularly broken or is too stiff to lock. It means that residents can't/don't lock the gate. Hackney Council staff also park there and can't/don't lock up. Now stolen vehicles are being dumped there. Please repair it.

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  • Hi,

    Thank you for information about an issue related to illegal parking. We usually provide our first update in relation to that kind of problem in 5 working days.

    Hackney Council

    Posted by Hackney Council at 20:51, Sat 4 November 2023

  • The car park lock is still broken. I was told it was working (but was stiff). This is not correct. I was also told that Purdey's couldn't replace the lock but I can't see that this is correct either, as they managed to change the lock on the gate leading to area in front of the tower block. Stolen cars are being dumped in this car park and I've also seen someone drive in, change a number plate and drive out again (all reported to the police). This is really not acceptable. I am also emailing Councillors Ben Hayhurst, Sheila Suso-Runge and Sophie Conway to raise this matter with them as well. Please contact me with an update and please could you mend the lock as a matter of urgency.

    Posted by Julie Robinson at 12:02, Sunday 18 February 2024

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