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Broken windows from stones projected from lawn mowing nearby

Reported via desktop in the Grass Cutting category anonymously at 12:24, Mon 7 August 2023

Sent to Hackney Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4866167.

2 of our new double glazed windows have been broken following your green spaces team mowing the lawn nearby. Could you give us an urgent call to find a solution to this? This has happened today (7 August 2023) and the last time they mowed on 21 June 2023.

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  • Hi,

    Thank you for information about an issue related to Grass Cutting. We usually provide our first update in relation to that kind of problem in 2 working days.

    Hackney Council

    Posted by Hackney Council at 12:24, Mon 7 August 2023

  • Hackney Council's Insurance Services Team have declined to cover the costs incurred by the community for the broken windows.

    We were told: "When the operatives completed their works there had been no reported or noticed incidents before they left the location. The department have provides signed statements from the operatives confirming the above procedures were carried out and thus we consider that the council have not been negligent in their actions, as such we are unable to offer any financial compensation in this matter"

    This means that ground keepers will keep breaking our windows since they do not want to recognise that they are at the origin of the problem.

    As a community we find this response deeply unfair and expect better from Hackney Council.

    We are waiting to hear from either the Estate Grounds Maintenance or Hackney Council's Insurance Services Team. But for now this situation is totally unfair towards the community that was victim of this.

    Posted anonymously at 16:37, Mon 14 August 2023

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